Friday 1 October 2010

Cardiff protesters call on Nick Clegg to rethink public sector cuts

The Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg, visited Cardiff yesterday, meeting First Minster Carwyn Jones and later attending a question and answerer session with students held at City Hall.

He was greeted by protesters angry at the coalitions governments savage and disastrous spending cuts. 

 Many local activists joined the demonstration. Jenny Rathbone, a spokesperson for Cardiff Central Labour Party, said:

"We want to make it clear people are unhappy about the cuts. What people don't realise what's about to happen – they think the cuts won't affect them. It could be more than 25% cut to the local government and those are the services which will seriously impact on the vulnerable – who had nothing to do with the bankers' bonanza."

"It's really important that Nick Clegg living in his bubble in Downing Street has some idea of what concerns that are out there.

            "We have never seen cuts on this scale to the welfare state."

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