Thursday 16 September 2010

Council workers bring in their own heaters

An astronomical £500,000 electricity bill for Cardiff’s County Hall may be down to heating so poor that staff are forced to bring in their own heaters.

A council report, describing the building as “extremely inefficient”, said witnesses had suggested some staff are using portable electric heaters to keep warm, using a considerable amount of electricity.

The findings showed County Hall’s electricity bills had risen by around £150,000 in recent years to hit £500,000.

The criticism came in a report looking at how prepared the council is to begin taking part in the Carbon Reduction Commitment energy efficiency scheme, which could see the council facing financial penalties if it fails to cut energy use.

A spokeswoman for Cardiff Council claimed the sole reason for the increase in electricity cost was a rise in prices, as consumption had stayed stable.

Witnesses involved in putting together the report suggest the Lib Dem controlled Council has focused too much on large-scale projects rather than examining micro-level aspects such as the efficiency of buildings.

Raoul Bhambral, co-ordinator for Friends of the Earth Cardiff, has told the South Wales Echo that he was shocked the council was spending so much on electricity for just one building.

He said: “The council will definitely have to do everything it can to reduce emissions not only in its own buildings but across Cardiff as a whole.”

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