Tuesday 21 September 2010

Cardiff Bus short journey fares have risen by 186%

Some bus fares in Cardiff have almost trebled in just seven years. Since 2003, fares for short journeys have risen by up to 186%, according to Cardiff council’s evidence to a Competition Commission inquiry. Job Centre Plus told the council’s researchers that “the cost and the availability of transport affected the range of employment options open to young people."

Youngsters aged 16 to 19 mostly have lower incomes than older people, but have to pay the same adult fares.

A ‘Day to Go’ ticket, for a day’s unlimited travel on Cardiff Bus within the city, had cost £3 for several years.

Some multi-journey tickets were cheaper than in 2003 and many fares have increased significantly more than inflation. Shorter single-trip fares have been particularly affected, with one-zone and two-zone trips increasing by 58% and 186%, compared to 18% inflation over the period.

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